Studios get free product. Yep. You read that right.
We give our product away and the communities we wish to be impactful in. We believe that Yoga and Movement is for Every Body. Our product is inclusive and adaptive, and we believe that is the way our Communities present themselves. To help support the awareness around adaptive and accessible yoga, in addition to recognizing that many studios and small businesses need financial support, we give our product away for free. If you are interested for your business or for a business you love, please fill out this form, and we will be in touch.
Studios who are a good fit will receive free Yoga Triangles, access to 90 minutes of of in person or virtual training and resource material for ongoing trainings. Once you fill out the form and we have a meeting we will coordinate a timeline and training for your space. That's it!
You probably have more questions which our helpful form can answer. While certain information on our form is necessary, we do have an open policy for needs and are aware of the necessity of unique communities. Please do not let the form stop you from inquiring. All responses will receive a reply.